Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

What the Region does

The Region protects biodiversity (flora, fauna and habitats) of its territory and promotes its sustainable management. The main instruments implemented are: the regional system of protected areas, the Natura 2000 network and the valorisation and protection of forests.

The regional system of protected areas consists of: the national, regional and inter-regional Parks; the regional Natural Reserves; the Protected landscapes and the Areas of ecological restoration. The Region coordinates the system management, planning and scheduling, together with the Management Authorities for the Parks and Biodiversity.



Contact us

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Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department

Responsible: Gianni Gregorio
Via della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna
tel. 051.527.6080/6094
fax 051.527.6957
certified e-mail:


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last modified 2021-10-15T18:10:17+02:00
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