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When: Tuesday, 12th June 2012, 14.00-15.00

Where: Conference Room A

Mr. Giuseppe Bortone,  General Director of the DG Environment Soil and Coastal Defense of Emilia-Romagna Region.
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Emilia-Romagna Region
Ms. Paola Gazzolo
, Minister of Territorial Safety. Soil and Coastal Defense. Civil Protection
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Freeistat Bayern 
Mr. Franz Josef Pschierer, State Secretary of the Bavarian Ministery of Finance and CIO 
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Generalitat de CatalunyaMr. Damià Calvet, Secretary of Territory and Mobility of the Catalan Ministry of Territory and Sustainability
Video recording (Antoni Roca)


EUREGEO Organizing Committee
Mr. Raffaele Pignone, Head of the Geological Soil and Seismic Survey Regione Emilia-Romagna 
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Welcome addresses


EuroGeoSurveysMr. Luca Demicheli, General Secretary of EuroGeoSurveys
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European CommissionMr. Luca Montanarella, European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre
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