
 Tuesday, 12th June  |  Natural resources and hazards in the Mediterranean

Organized in collaboration with EuroGeoSurveys and chaired by Luca Demicheli, Secretary General of EuroGeoSurveys.
The session should stimulate a technical and political discussion on the main geo-environmental questions of the Mediterranean. Climate change, soils, water resources, coastal systems management, energy resources and natural risks are the tasks of the discussion that will focus on the contribution that Earth Sciences should make to ensure that the quality of growth in the future leads to a sustainable future for the Mediterranean.

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 Wednesday, 13th June  |  Soil: sealing and consumption 

Organized in collaboration with the European Commission and chaired by Thomas Strassburger European Commission Directorate General Environment and Luca Montanarella European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre.
Soil sealing means the permanent covering of an area of land and its soil by impermeable artificial material (e.g. asphalt and concrete), for example through buildings and roads. The session should stimulate a political and technical discussion on the drivers for soil sealing and on tackling the problem.

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 Thursday, 14th  June  |  INSPIRE/Spatial Data Infrastructures

Organized in collaboration with European Commission, and chaired by Robert Tomas European Commission Directorate General Joint Research Centre, Kristine Asch Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (DE), Francois Robida Bureau de Recherches Géologiques et Minières (FR) and Carlo Cipolloni Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (IT).
The INSPIRE/SDI Session will present the final results of the development of the geoscience related data models and specifications, produced by selected domain experts from EU member states. These aim at improving access, interoperability and harmonization of geoscience data in Europe – the main objective of the EU INSPIRE Directive. The Session will also give opportunity to discuss any issues related with the interoperability and harmonization of geoscience data.

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 Thursday, 14th June |  Geological cartography in Italy and in Europe: perspectives and opportunities

Organized in collaboration with EuroGeoSurveys, Istituto Superiore per la Protezione e la Ricerca Ambientale (ISPRA Italia), Federazione Italiana Scienze della Terra (FIST Italia), Consiglio Nazionale dei Geologi Italia and chaired by Silvio Seno FIST Italia.
Geological cartography is a fundamental tool for the knowledge of the territory, soil and subsurface,  and it is an essential requisite for territorial planning, for an efficient and sustainable use of natural resources and for mitigation and prevention of natural hazards, among other questions. At European level the status of the geological cartography projects is extremely different both for the legislation framework, the scientific programme and the sensitivity of the political and administrative systems. The session should stimulate a technical and political discussion on the perspectives and the opportunities of the geological cartography in Europe with a special attention to the Italian situation.
