Due to its geographical position, Emilia-Romagna has an extraordinary biodiversity: 2,700 species of plants, over 350 species of vertebrates and a wide variety of habitats.

Humans depend on biodiversity for many basic resources such as food, building materials, heating, textile fibers and active ingredients for medicines. Furthermore, biodiversity provides many vital functions, from the pollination of plants to the purification of air, water and soil.

In order to protect the most rare and threatened biodiversity in its territory, Emilia-Romagna Region identified the protected areas, the Natura 2000 network sites and the regional ecological network as tools for biodiversity conservation and adopted specific laws such as the one aimed to the protection of minor flora and fauna.

Contact us

Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department

Responsible: Gianni Gregorio

Via della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna, Italy