EKCNA Additional information

Documents produced after the interim report of the IUCN WH Panel – February 2023

Supplementary information. This document is the result of discussions among experts from the Ministry of the Environment, the technical-scientific committee of the nomination, the Appennino Tosco-Emiliano National Park, and the Emilia-Romagna Region. The sequence of the Document follows the logical order of the requests contained in the interim report of the IUCN WH Panel.

Maps representing the key geo-attributes and all the protective designations. A multilayer PDF map of the key geo-attributes and all the protective designations for each Component Site (CS 5a, CS 5b, CS 5c are shown in the same map since they share a common buffer area):

The Shapefiles used to generate the above maps of key geo-attributes and all the protective designations (in a ZIP file):

Maps representing the prohibited activities. A multilayer PDF map of prohibited activities for each Component Site (CS 5a, CS 5b, CS 5c are shown in the same map since they share a common buffer area):

The Shapefiles used to generate the above maps of the prohibited activities (in a ZIP file):

NOTE: to open multilayer PDF maps it is necessary to use Acrobat Reader DC since it is the only software capable to show the layers individually, and to switch them off when necessary.
If the pdf is opened in a web browser or using a preview application, the layers may appear hidden or merged together.

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last modified 2023-09-22T15:38:59+02:00
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