Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

What the Region does

The Region protects biodiversity (flora, fauna and habitats) of its territory and promotes its sustainablelogo what we do management. The main instruments implemented are: the regional system of protected areas, the Natura 2000 network and the valorisation and protection of forests.

The regional system of protected areas consists of: the national, regional and inter-regional Parks; the regional Natural Reserves; the Protected landscapes and the Areas of ecological restoration. The Region coordinates the system management, planning and scheduling, together with the Management Authorities for the Parks and Biodiversity.

Moreover the Region:

  • provides specific expertises and contributes to programs, plans and regulations elaboration; 
  • carries out activities of information, dissemination and technical and scientific exchange;
  • promotes the education on biodiversity and implements projects of environmental sustainability (e.g. Alta Via dei Parchi trails and and Ciclovie dei Parchi bike paths);
  • legislates on protected natural areas.

Natura 2000 network consists of sites of Community Importance (SCI) and Special Protection Areas (SPAs). These areas were designed due to their importance in the preservation of nature. The Natura 2000 is a network of areas of high natural value located all over Europe, therefore including Italian regions.

Within these natural or semi-natural sites  specific rules apply for the conservation of biodiversity that concern for example the management of forests, of hunting and fishing, agriculture practices, quarries and other human activities. Any plan or project which is meant to be implemented in one of these sites must therefore be subject to appropriate assessment of the implications for the site.

The system of the Protected areas, the Natura 2000 Network sites and the areas for ecological connection (corridors)  forms the Regional Ecological Network.
Forests were once considered only for the production of wood, but today they are recognized for their importance as a natural and cultural resource for the defense and development of the territory and people's health.

The Region:

elaborates the Regional Forestry Plan and specific plans for forests arrangements;
directs and coordinates the actions of the competent Authorities and of private actors in relation to forest management;
updates the knowledge framework by creating Inventories and Forests cartography;
manages the nursery functions for forestry, from seeds harvesting to plants propagation and growing out;
edits the Plan for forest fires forecasting, prevention and fight and regularly updates the Regional Cadaster of forest fires;
draws up the price list for the forestry works;
 legislates on forestry.

Further activities of the Region:

  • it promotes the initiative "A tree for every newborn";
  • it protects the minor fauna;
  • it protects monumental trees;
  • it regulates the collection of woodland products, wild mushrooms and truffles;
  • It coordinates the voluntary ecological activities, including the Voluntary Ecological Guards.


Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department

Via della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna
tel. 051.527.6080/6094 fax 051.527.6957
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last modified 2019-10-16T13:45:32+02:00
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