Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

Alta Via dei Parchi

An hiking trail to walk through eight parks in Emilia-Romagna Region

What the Region does

AVP_cmyk copia.jpgAlta Via dei Parchi is a trail to hike all along the Apennines between Emilia-Romagna, Tuscany and Marche Regions. It crosses several parks: two national, five regional and one interregional, and allows to discover the best that the Apennine mountains can offer.
The complete itinerary is about 500 kilometers long (> 30'000 m of elevation gain) and it is divided into 27 stages.

You can choose to hike this long trail by single stages or by undertaking longer trekkings of two or more days, thanks to the opportunity to reach most of the trail's access points by public transportation or private cabs.

Corografia Alta Via dei Parchi

Through the Alta Via dei Parchi and the Ciclovie dei Parchi, Emilia-Romagna Region promotes nature conservation and the valorization of the whole regional system of protected areas, also by development of sustainable tourism models.
In particular, the Region approved and funded the interventions proposed by the managing bodies of the Parks and coordinated the various actions of the project Alta Via dei Parchi:



Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department
Regione Emilia-Romagna
Via della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna
tel. +39 051.527.6080/6094 fax 0039 051.527.6957
certified e-mail:

Monica Palazzini
Tel. 051.527.6999
e-mail: monica.palazzini

Maria Vittoria Biondi
Tel. 051.527.6978

Massimo Caprara

Tel. 051.527.8739

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last modified 2021-06-17T23:28:56+02:00
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