Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests

Stage 1 - Links though public transport

Stage services reached: Rifugio CAI Giovanni Mariotti al Lago Santo parmense and Rifugio Lagdei
  • How to reach Lago Santo  parmense and Lagdei

You can reach Parma by train ( and then proceed by coach  to  Langhirano and then to Bosco di Corniglio (run by TEP, tel.0039 840 222 223,
From Bosco di Corniglio you can walk through the trails:

- CAI 723 that leads to the hut  Rifugio CAI Giovanni Mariotti in about 2 hours and 30’
- CAI 723 and then CAI 725 that lead to the hut  Rifugio Lagdei in about 1 hour and 30’.

  • How to come back from Lago Santo  parmense and from Lagdei

You can reach Bosco di Corniglio on foot though the trails:

- from the hut Rifugio CAI Giovanni Mariotti take CAI 723 ( about 2 hours and 30’)
- to the hut Rifugio Lagdei take CAI 723 and then CAI 725 (about 1 hour and 30’)

From Bosco di Corniglio you can take a coach (run by TEP, tel.0039 840 222 223, to Langhirano and then to Parma; from Parma you ca take a train to many cities (

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last modified 2021-06-14T19:27:49+02:00
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