Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests


21_VersoMonteGabrendo_FiorenzoROSSETTI.jpgFrom Marradi you will walk towards the Foreste Casentinesi, into the woody landscape of the Romagna region mountains: halfway, you will pass the Gamogna Hermitage, then the Tramazzo valley and finally you will reach the banks of the Lago di Ponte.
On day 2, though a short and very relaxing stage, you will reach the Colle di Tramazzo and then the village of San Benedetto in Alpe, located under the ancient Benedictine Abbey.
On day 3, from San Benedetto in Alpe, you will follow the crowded walk that leads to Aquacheta Waterfalls, and then you will descend the Tuscan side until you reach Castagno, at the feet of Mount Falterona.
On day 4, passing by the highest mountains of the Tosco-Romagnolo Apennines, you will reach Campigna, that lies in the heart of the historical Casentinese forests.
On day 5, with a magnificent and classic walk, mostly lying along the ridge that overlooks the Sassofratino Reserve, you will reach the Sacred Hermitage and Camaldoli, that offer the opportunity to meet the monastic communities that have been living in perfect communion with the forests for centuries. 
Also in the next stage the extraordinarily tall trees will accompany you all along your route until you reach Carbonile refuge. If you wish, you could also descend to Badia Prataglia with a short detour.
on the last day from Carbonile you will leave the ridge to walk towards the Mount Penna, until you reach the ancient paved road that leading to the Franciscan citadel of La Verna.


1° Day:  stage 18 Marradi – Lago di Ponte
2° Day:  stage 19 Lago di Ponte – San Benedetto in Alpe
3° Day:  stage 20 San Benedetto in Alpe – Castagno d’Andrea
4° Day:  stage 21 Castagno d’Andrea – Campigna
5° Day:  stage 22 Campigna - Camaldoli
6° Day:  stage 23 Camaldoli - Badia Prataglia

7° Day:  stage 24 Badia Prataglia - La Verna

 --> How to reach Marradi

 --> How to come back from La Verna

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last modified 2021-06-14T19:27:59+02:00
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