Emilia–Romagna Region preserves and protects the regional biodiversity, made up of habitats , fauna  and flora  species, valorizes the natural and seminatural landscapes, promotes the knowledge of the natural heritage, of the history and culture of local communities, incentivizes all those recreational sportive and cultural activities taking place in the open.
Protected Areas are represented by Parks , Natural  Reserves, Ecological Rebalancing Areas, Protected Natural  and Seminatural landscapes, and together with Natura  2000 network sites, they cover the 61% of the regional territory.

The Region

  • establishes Parks and Natural reserves;
  • coordinates the activities of management, planning and programming of the Protected Areas through a dedicated Regional  Programme;
  • coordinates the activities of the Parks and Biodiversity Management  Bodies;
  • dispenses the contributions to support the regional system of Protected Areas;
  • provides guidelines for the Plans , Programmes and Regulations;
  • promotes activities of information, dissemination and education concerning the biodiversity, the environmental sustainability and the technical and scientific knowledge exchange;
  • promotes models of sustainable tourism (see Alta  Via dei Parchi, Ciclovie  dei Parchi).

Contact us

Protected Areas, Forestry and Mountains Development Department


Via della Fiera 8, 40127 Bologna, Italy