Currently, there are 5 natural and seminatural protected landscapes in the Region (established by acts of the Provincial Councils):

  • Collina Reggiana - Terre di Matilde (RE)
  • Colline di San Luca (BO)
  • Centuriazione (RA)
  • Torrente Conca (RN)
  • Colli del Nure (PC)

For the establishment, the management and the planning of the natural and seminatural protected landscapes the Region emanates specific guidelines(available only in Italian).
The category of the natural and seminatural protected landscapes represents an innovation in the Emilia-Romagna legislation, introduced by regional law 6/2005, art. 50, 51, 52. It represents a novelty in the same national legislative framework concerning the protected areas because currently it is not foreseen by Law 394/91 or by any other regional law related to this topic. It is nevertheless a widely spread practice in most of the other European Countries, described by the “Guidelines for the classification of Protected Areas” issued by IUCN in 1994.