The habitat is defined by the set of environmental conditions in which plants and animals live. Typical habitats are forests and wetlands, grasslands, cliffs and dunes, but also just a hollow tree, a pool, or caves, lakes, rivers and whole mountains.
The Region is committed in recognizing and protecting species and habitats in their natural framework, especially in those areas characterized by the highest degree of naturalness identified as parks, reserves and Natura 2000 sites, that represent actual reservoirs of the regional biodiversity .
Habitats, besides having an intrinsic value because they host biotic communities often rare and peculiar, represent the environmental framework necessary to ensure the maintenance or restoration of a favorable conservation status of the living conditions for individual animal and plant species.

The residual wetlands are rich in biodiversity, and just like forests, they represent complex habitats that are among the most important indicators of ecological stability. In such areas the management must be compatible with the conservation.
Since 1992, according to EU Directive 92/43 "Habitats", the biotic communities considered to be the most representative of European biodiversity were classified as "habitats of Community interest" to be maintained and protected at regional level through the designation and management of special areas of conservation:  the network of Natura 2000 sites.