Geology, soil and seismic risk

The Humanita project

Human-Nature Interactions and Impacts of Tourist Activities on Protected Areas

On May 15 and 16, the 3rd meeting of the European Humanita project took place in Castelnovo né Monti. The Geology, Soils, and Seismic Area participated as an ‘associated partner’ of the Tosco Emiliano Apennine National Park.

During the meeting, progress was discussed regarding the identification of indicators for the impact on underground water resources caused by increased withdrawals due to tourism. The project aims to develop innovative monitoring methods and propose pilot solutions to mitigate these impacts. The chosen case study focuses on the aqueduct that supplies the capital city of Toano, in the province of Reggio Emilia. This aqueduct is fed by a significant spring system consisting of 26 perennial springs located on the eastern slope of Monte Cusna, with a majority (21 springs) situated within the Tosco Emiliano Apennine National Park.

The Humanita Project: Tourism in protected areas is a delicate matter. Striking the right balance between conservation and visitor access can be challenging. The HUMANITA project investigates human-nature interactions and the impacts of tourist activities in protected areas. Its goal is to develop participatory management tools based on concrete data, allowing regions to better monitor and assess the impact of tourism in protected areas. The partnership involves tourists and local communities in developing solutions, fostering data collection, raising awareness, and promoting behavior change.

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last modified 2024-05-22T11:28:12+02:00
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