Water resources
The rich water resources of Emilia-Romagna, consisting of surface and groundwater, represent an irreplaceable heritage. Correct management of these resources is one of the region’s top priorities, and the SGSS plays its part by providing the knowledge base pertaining to the distribution and classification of aquifers. The geological data collected by SGSS has made it possible, first of all, to create a new 3-D model of the aquifers of the Emilia-Romagna plain.
Based on this, numerous projects have been launched in partnership with both public and private bodies, including: the study of the alluvial fans of the Reno, Marecchia and Taro rivers; the identification of alternative water resources.
The study of the saline wedge and monitoring of plain area subsurface aquifers (unconfined aquifers) from which plant roots draw water. For the first time at regional level, a framework has been established for the distribution of the main exploited aquifers in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines.
In collaboration with the basin technical survey a regional census of springs has been set in motion to determine their distribution, as well as flow and water characteristics.
The first results of this census, which will build up a database on the region’s springs, have made it possible to compile detailed thematic maps for the identification and study of rock-reservoirs.
Reports and publications
- Multidisciplinary analysis at Lake Moo site. A natural archive to gouge past and future trends in heavy rainfall events over Northern Apennines
- Historically documented activations of significant mud volcanoes near the Northern Apennine margin
- Hydrogeological mapping of heterogeneous and multi-layered ophiolitic aquifers (Mountain Prinzera, northern Apennines, Italy) (PDF - 3.8 MB)
- Large-scale geomorphological mapping as a tool to detect structural features: the case of Mt. Prinzera ophiolite rock mass (Northern Apennines, Italy) (PDF - 2.7 MB)
- A conceptual hydrogeological model of ophiolitic aquifers (serpentinised peridotite): The test example of Mt. Prinzera (Northern Italy)
- A global review on ambient Limestone-Precipitating Springs (LPS)
- Managed aquifer recharge in the Marecchia alluvial fan (Rimini - Italy), start of the test and (PDF - 4.8 MB)
- Groundwater reserves in the Emilia-Romagna region
- Hydrogeological map of northern Apennines – Upper catchment of Montone river