Geological Map of Emilia-Romagna Region scale 1:50.000

The Geological Map of Emilia-Romagna Region to scale 1:50.000 is directly derived from the database of the CARG Project - Geological Map of Italy to scale 1:50.000. Sheets printed as part of the CARG project are to scale 1:50.000, while surveying and digitization of data are to scale 1:25.000 which, therefore, is the reference scale for consultation of the actual Database.

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Territorial coverage

Digitization of data for the entire region is nearing completion and at the moment maps are available for the following sheets, some of which have not yet been published as Geological Sheets under the CARG Project:

Database themes

This website can be used to consult and query the Database, navigating through the various information layers:

  • Geological observation points,
  • Resources and prospecting,
  • Various geomorphological and anthropic elements and lines,
  • Geological and geophysical monitoring,
  • Structural elements,
  • Marker beds,
  • Geological unit boundaries,
  • Bathymetric isobaths,
  • Significant geological processes,
  • Depositional areas and lithologies,
  • Geological units.

Users can also interact with the map in terms of the content displayed: they can select which themes or group of themes to make visible and which not, creating a personalized map that reflects their chosen areas of interest. Within each individual theme, information is presented with the following structure, which has been simplified compared to the original CARG database structure.

Geological Map of Emilia-Romagna Region to scale 1:10.000

The Database of the Geological Map of Emilia-Romagna Region to scale 1:10.000 was created using surveying to scale 1:10.000 for the hill and mountain areas; for the plain, the database of printed or pending CARG sheets (to scale 1:25.000) was used, after conversion of the information structure. The Database to scale 1:10.000 is the product of reviews and updates carried out by the Geological, Seismic and Soil survey from 2003 on both quaternary cover (as part of various projects, including the IFFI project (Italian Landslides Inventory, the updating of the historical archive of landslide events, working groups with local authorities to establish planning processes, etc.) and the geological substrate (through development of scientific knowledge, updates subsequent to the geological sheets to scale 1:50.000, etc.); to enable periodic updating, quaternary deposits are found on a separate layer from that of geological units. The online cartography available for consultation therefore differs, in some cases substantially, from the original published/ unpublished maps (to scale 1:10.000).

Territorial coverage

Digitization of data for the entire region is nearing completion; currently, maps can be consulted for those sections highlighted in green:

Database themes

This website can be used to consult and query the Database, navigating through the various information layers:

  • Geological observation points,
  • Resources and prospecting,
  • Various geomorphological and anthropic elements and lines
  • Significant outcrops
  • Structural elements
  • Quaternary cover boundaries
  • Geological unit boundaries
  • Significant geological processes
  • Geological outcrops
  • Depositional areas and lithologies
  • Quaternary cover and synthems
  • Geological units

The geognostic tests database of Emilia-Romagna

Distribution of geognostic tests

The Geognostic Database was created primarily to organize and make available underground geological data, laying the foundation for new Geological Maps of the plain to scale 1:50.000, which Emilia-Romagna regional authority is compiling as assigned by National Geological Survey (CARG Project).

Most of the data comes from public and private archives, collected in the course of various investigations. The Database is an ongoing project, undergoing constant expansion; as well as acquiring new geognostic tests carried out as a result of major infrastructure projects in the region, the Geological, Seismic and Soil Survey itself carries out continuous core drillings and penetrometric tests across those areas currently being studied for the Geological Map of the plain.