Final, session 2 - Soil

Insights from case studies

  • Robert Taildl. Soil Survey - Potentials for the future.   Video presentation
  • Emilio Ascaso-Sastrón and Marc Vicens-Ferrer. Governance of soil consumption in Catalonia.  Video presentation
  • Ugo Baldini. Urban requalification for enhancing environmental and energetic performances of consolidated urban patterns: a useful plan at crisis times.  Presentation,  Video presentation
  • Stefano Stanghellini. Urban and land use planning perequation for safeguarding peri-urban rural areas . Video presentation
  • Giovanni Fini. Climate, Energy and land take as key factors for a new model of land use planning and urban design.  Presentation,  Video presentation
  • Discussion and Closing Statements: Pillars for the governance of soil consumption.  Video presentation