Geology, soil and seismic risk

Project EBERS -Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna springs

EBERS Exploring the Biodiversity of the Emilia-Romagna springs, a research project for the study of the biological component of some selected springs of Emilia-Romagna

S.Cristoforo di Labante spring

Exploring the Biodiversity of Emilia-Romagna springs) is a three-years-lasting (2011-2013) Project fostered and funded by the Geological Survey of the Emilia-Romagna Region. Its main goal is an exploratory investigation on the biota of selected springs of the Emilia-Romagna Region. It is characterized by a multidisciplinary approach with the aim of spring-habitat characterization and advancement to disseminate an improved awareness of the role of this resource in the territorial and thematic planning. Fourteen springs were considered for the EBERs Project, selected on the basis of the following criteria: - location in different types of nature preserves; - occurrence of deep-seated gravitational deformations in slopes; - representativeness of the ecomorphological and hydrochemical spring types occurring in the study area; - availability of medium-term data series; - location within the main Hard-Rock Aquifers types; - location in the different altitudinal belts and with permanent hydraulic regime; - springs in natural or near-natural conditions.

The project relies on the collaboration of the Section of Limnology and Algology of the Natural History Museum of Trento .

The field-trip booklet (pdf6.9 MB)made for the 1st International Conference "Flowpath - Paths of Hydrogeology" held 20th to 22nd June 2012, organized by prof. Alessandro Gargini of the Department of Earth Sciences, University of Bologna,  gives details on the content and the initial results of the project .The filedtrip, organized through the collaboration between the Geological Survey and the regional ''Association Fulvio Ciancabilla ", was done to the site of the Caves of Labante (Municipality of Castel d'Aiano) and the Baths of Porretta Bologna Apennines. 


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last modified 2024-05-22T15:09:03+02:00
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