The protected areas currently established in the regional territory are: 2 national parks shared with Tuscany Region, descending from former regional parks; 1 interregional park, spreading for 2/3 in Marche Region; 14 regional parks; 15 natural reserves. Moreover, there are 4 natural and seminatural protected landscapes and 33 ecological rebalancing areas. As for Natura 2000 network, starting from the very first assessment of habitats and species in 1995, though several steps the Region, in cooperation with the Italian Ministry for Environment and the European Commission, designed 139 SCIs and 87 SPAs, in some cases overlapping, that in the whole build the regional Natura 2000 network. These areas, with very different characteristics and range, represent a whole system for the protection of the natural heritage that covers 269.802 hectares, corresponding to the 12% of the regional territory, including the other protected areas (parks and reserves).