Stage services reached:  Prato Spilla

  • How to reach Prato Spilla

You can reach Prato Spilla by reaching Parma by train ( and then by proceeding by coach to Langhirano, then to Monchio delle Corti and finally to Rigoso (coaches run by TEP, tel. 0039 840 222 223,
From Rigoso, you can walk along the CAI 703 trail that leads to Pratospilla in 2 hours and 15’.
In Corniglio Municipality from Monday to Friday and in Monchio Municipality on Wednesdays and Saturdays the service Pronto Bus Extra is operative.

  • How to come back from Prato Spilla

You can reach Rigoso on foot in 2 hours and 15’ by following the CAI 703 trail. From there, you can catch a coach to  Monchio delle Corti, then to Langhirano and finally to Parma (TEP society, tel. 840 222 223, from there, you can reach several cities by train (
The Pronto Bus Extra is a bus service activated on request by phone call created to facilitate the mobility for those who have special needs in terms of destination and/or schedule: the bus can reach the remotest locations and follows the route chosen by the user; it reaches all the locations in the area and can load further passengers in the way.
In order to book the desired ride, you activate the service the day before or the same day if within the served area, by calling 0039 840 222 223 every working day from 7.30 to 19.00. The bookings received on the same day of the ride can be accepted basing on availability.
You can also book a ride via web by filling in the specific form on the website
The fare for the ride is the same of a extra-urban ride; the ticked can be purchased also on board with a small additional charge. Seasonal passes are not effective.
Pronto Bus Extra service reaches all the locations in the area and can load further passengers in the way.

Stage services reached:  Rifugio Lagoni

  • How to reach Rifugio Lagoni

You can reach the Rifugio Lagoni by getting to Parma by train ( and then proceeding by coach to  Langhirano and then to Bosco di Corniglio (coaches run by TEP, tel. 0039 840 222 223, from there, you can reach several cities by train (
From Bosco di Corniglio you can proceed on foot for about 3 km along the paved road that leads to the hut in about 1 hour.

  • How to come back from Rifugio Lagoni

You can reach Bosco di Corniglio though a 1 hour walk down the paved road for about 3 km. from there you can catch a coach to Monchio delle Corti, then to Langhirano anf finally to Parma  (coaches run by TEP, tel. 0039 840 222 223, From  Parma  you can reach several cities by train (
Within the Corniglio Municipality, from Monday to Frtiday, it is also active the Pronto Bus Extra, a service of buses activated on request by phone call created to  created to facilitate the mobility for those who have special needs in terms of destination and/or schedule: the bus can reach the remotest locations and follows the route chosen by the user; it reaches all the locations in the area and can load further passengers in the way.
In order to book the desired ride, you activate the service the day before or the same day if within the served area, by calling 0039 840 222 223 every working day from 7.30 to 19.00. The bookings received on the same day of the ride can be accepted basing on availability.
You can also book a ride via web by filling in the specific form on the website
The fare for the ride is the same of a extra-urban ride; the ticked can be purchased also on board with a small additional charge. Seasonal passes are not effective.
Pronto Bus Extra service reaches all the locations in the area and can load further passengers in the way.