Protected areas, Natura 2000 network and Forests


Passo Pradarena (1579 m)
Lama Lite (Rif. Battisti, 1761 m)
GRADIENT: +740 m / -560 m
HIKING TIME: 5,30 hours
Tuscan-Aemilian Apennine National Park


Towards Cima Belfiore (author A. Lizzani)This is the highest stage of the entire journey, always above 1600 metres of altitude and at one point coming close to 2000 metres above sea level.
picture: overview of the Appennino Reggiano
From the Pradarena Pass the hike continues along the forest road that touches Comunella Pass, and hen runs on the Tuscan side, up to the slopes of Mount Sillano. By spending the night at Rifugio Rio Re, instead,  you can climb the Comunella Pass in about 45’.
A path in the forest and then a little trail lead to the top of Mount of Soraggio, an excellent place for taking in a great view: the wooded valley of Ozola and, towards the Garfagnana, a wild range of landslides at the head of the valley of the Serchio di Soraggio, with the limestone walls of the Ripa hat seem to block he stream’s flow.
After the smashed rocks of Le Porraie, he little San Bartolomeo church announces Romecchio Pass, which in the past used to be of some importance. Next is he Focerella Pass, crossed by a forest road that may be useful in case of bad weather o quickly reach he Bargetana Refuge.
The Alta Via, on the other hand, continues on the ridge, going up stony ground and expanses of blueberries to the summit plateau of Mount Castellino (1952 m), he highest point of he path. The view encompasses a vast horizon, where he jagged outline of the Apuan Alps and the nearby imposing bulk of Mount Cusna stand out.
Among the boulders of the almost level ridge is the saddle of Mount Prado, where one leaves he ridge o descend rapidly to Lake Bargetana, at the foot of the glacial basin of the same name. Next, one reaches the forest road that goes up
the Val d’Ozola and that quickly leads to the wide saddle of Lama Lite. The Battisti Refuge, hidden by a little hill, is located near the pass.

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Stage Locations and Services 

  • Rifugio Cesare Battisti: Info
  • Rifugio Bargetana: Info
  • Rifugio Segheria dell'Abetina Reale: Info

Bivouac with tent: in some areas it is possible to spend the night in a tent, setting it up at sunset and dismantling it at dawn.

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last modified 2022-09-08T17:16:33+02:00
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