Scientific reports on water resources
Emilia-Romagna territory can be divided in two majors landscapes, tha Apennines mountain chain in the south and the Po river alluvial plane in the north. This morphology reflects two main hydrogeological environments, one in the alluvial plain where the main acquifers are located and one in the Apennines
Water resources in the alluvial plain
- Underground water resources-Booklet+9 maps (1998)
- A study of the groundwater resources in the Ferrara province (Po river basin, northern Italy);
- Water deficit and subsidence in a intensive-exploited alluvial fan (Reno River, Italy): subsurface hydrogeological analysis to support groundwater resource management; (PDF - 666.6 KB)(5th Euregeo 2006)
- The importance of 3d geological mapping in the stratigraphic interpretation, depositional rate estimation and environmental management of the Po Delta region (Ferrara Province, Northern Italy) (PDF - 458.7 KB);(5th Euregeo 2006)
- Characteristics and behaviour of complex aquifers systems understanding by means of numerical back-analyses of pumping tests with sedimentological constraints
- Po river deep acquifers in eastern Emilia-Romagna alluvial plain: geological and hydrogeological characterization (PDF - 670.3 KB) (7th Euregeo, 2012);
7th Euregeo, 2012);
(7th Euregeo, 2012);
(7th Euregeo, 2012);
- Evidence of sea-storms impacts on the phreatic coastal aquifer: the case of Cesenatico (PDF - 67.0 KB) (7th Euregeo, 2012);
The water resources in the Apennines
- Experimentation for a quantitative hydrogeological map in a mountain area: a case study in the Reggio Emilia Apennines (Northern Italy); (PDF - 359.5 KB) (5th Euregeo 2006)
- Thematic mapping on groundwater chemistry: first results pertaining to springs in the Reggio-Emilia Apennines (Northern Italy). (PDF - 378.5 KB)(5th Euregeo 2006)
- A pilot study of an ophiolite aquifer within the Emilia-Romagna Apennines: the Monte Nero, Parma and Piacenza Provinces. (PDF - 183.5 KB)(5th Euregeo 2006)
- Groundwater protection zones identification and measures enforcement in Italy (JPEG - 1.0 MB) - Poster presented at the European Groundwater Conference 2006, during the Austrian EU Presidency Vienna (Austria), 22-23 June 2006
- Intrinsic vulnerability map of groundwater bodies in the Emilia-Romagna Apennines (PDF - 2.5 MB) (7th Euregeo, 2012) poster
- Springs and groundwater flow systems of Marnoso-Arenacea formation in the Romagna sector of northern Apennines (PDF - 2.4 MB)(Euregeo2012 poster)