Regional Reserves
The regional natural Reserves, established by acts of the Regional Council, are “territories of limited range; they are designed because of their regional relevance and they are managed in order to preserve their morphological, biological, ecological, scientific and cultural features and assets”.
Their management is in charge of the Management Body for Parks and Biodiversity territorially competent. The Reserves are divided into two different types, general and special, that determine the applicable management and use modalities. The management and regulation instrument to achieve the objectives and targets of the Reserve is the Regulation, while the Triannual Plan of protection and valorization allows to identify actions, priorities, commitments and resources for its implementation.
Natural Reserves in the Region:
- Alfonsine (available only in Italian)
- Bosco della Frattona
- Bosco di Scardavilla
- Cassa di espansione del Fiume Secchia
- Contrafforte Pliocenico (available only in Italian)
- Dune Fossili di Massenzatica (available only in Italian)
- Fontanili di Corte Valle Re
- Ghirardi
- Monte Prinzera
- Onferno
- Parma Morta
- Rupe di Campotrera
- Salse di Nirano
- Sassoguidano
- Torrile e Trecasali