From Lago Scaffaiolo starts the last stage of the Aemilian ridge and begins the descent to the Reno river valley and the middle mountain of Bologna region: you will commence with the beautiful passage though the last glacial circle you can meet along the Alta Via, and then leave the ridge trail to venture into valleys completely covered by forests if not for some clearings. On day 2, you will reach the Suviana lake while surrounded by forests, inhabited slopes and clay mounts; then, among old abandoned orchards, you will reach Poranceto, that lies at the borders of an ancient chestnut forest  rich in centuries-old gigantic trees. On day 3, by walking almost completely into the woods in long stretches on secondary roads and by striding near the Brasimone dam basin, you will reach the Marian sanctuary of Boccadirio.


1° Day: stage 10 Lago Scaffaiolo - Rifugio Monte Cavallo
2° Day:
stage 11 Rifugio Monte Cavallo - Poranceto
3° Day:
stage 12 Poranceto - Boccadirio

--> How to reach Lago Scaffaiolo

--> How to come back from Boccadirio