Geology, soil and seismic risk

The orogenesis of a garden (2019)

Through this guide, the garden is able to operate like an actual museum, that is accessible throughout the day and that naturally evolves over the course of the seasons


Orogenesis garden (2019)In this educational garden, the rocks and plants create a picture that represents the geological and vegetational variety found across our regional territory.

Through this guide, the garden is able to operate like an actual museum, that is accessible throughout the day and that naturally evolves over the course of the seasons. The guide aims to add to the value of garden by providing texts and a glossary (to which the words highlighted in red in the text refer) with information on geology, botany, history and mythology, all connected to what visitors can see for themselves in the garden.

Edited by:

Emilia-Romagna Region, Geology Soil and Seismik Risk Area

Year of publication:


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